Peoples BK & TR CO Routing Numbers

No. Routing number Office Type City Zipcode State
1 084203593 Main Office NORTH CARROLLTON 389470000 Mississippi
2 103103516 Main Office RYAN 735850000 Oklahoma
Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

Knowing the routing number of your bank is very important for sending and receiving payments for a variety of purposes. If you use the services of Peoples BK & TR CO, then the routing number you should use for transactions is one of these: 084203593, 103103516. However, even here not everything is that simple; there may be the main office and several branch offices of Peoples BK & TR CO in your city, right? Since we all want to conduct all the financial operations in a bank next to us, and not to spend 30-60 minutes on our way to the main office, itā€™s much better to know the routing number of your bankā€™s closest branch office. You can check that Peoples BK & TR CO has the office in your city. By using this information, you may decide which bank is more convenient for you to use and indicate the routing number of the one you need.