Azura Credit Union Routing Numbers

No. Routing number Office Type City Zipcode State
1 301179737 Main Office TOPEKA 666120000 Kansas
2 301179805 Main Office TOPEKA 666120000 Kansas
3 301179892 Main Office TOPEKA 666120000 Kansas
Last updated: Mar 24, 2025

Azura Credit Union was launched in 2016 when Quest Credit Union formed a successful merger with Educational Credit Union. It has three main offices in the City of Topeka, Kansas, USA. It is among the leading credit unions in Kansas State with a total of $481.82 million assets. The union offers banking products and services such as savings and loans to over 50,000 members. Its primary aim is to improve the lives of local and global communities at large. It strives to offer top-notch services and products which will make a difference in the membersā€™ financial lives.

Before a bank makes any wire transfer, it requires a routing number which shows the location of the branch where you initially opened your bank account. You can retrieve the number on a check on the left bottom side next to the account number. Azura Credit Union has three routing numbers:

  1. 301179737
  2. 301179805
  3. 301179892

Also, you can look up the routing numbers directory to locate the RTN number of your bankā€™s branch. If you are having any issue with bank transfers, you can call them at (785) 233-5556 or get any needed information and service at the address 610 SW 10TH ST, Topeka, KS. The bankā€™s ZIP code is 66612-000.