253184427 Routing Number

Routing Number 253184427
Bank Name Selfhelp Credit Union
Valid, last updated: Mar 24, 2025
Office Type Main Office
Servicing FRB Number 051000033
Servicing FRB Number Address 701 East Byrd Street, Richmond, VA
Address P O BOX 3619, DURHAM, NC, 27702
Zipcode 27702-3619
Phone (910) 343-0123
State North Carolina
Record Type Code 2 (Send items to customer using new routing number field)
Change Date 2014-07-31
253184427 routing number on Selfhelp Credit Union check

There are no two similar bank routing numbers on Earth since all new members of the SWIFT network are assigned.

The bank routing number may be found in the bottom of your check; it comprises nine digits that signify the place where you opened the account. Or you could use our depository of US bank routing numbers and find yours quickly and without any trouble. 253184427 is the routing number of Selfhelp Credit Union assigned to it by the American Bankers Association (ABA). The office of Selfhelp Credit Union may be reached at P O BOX 3619, DURHAM, NC, 27702. For questions not requiring your personal presence, please call the bank at (910) 343-0123.

If your bank is Selfhelp Credit Union, your bank number is 253184427. This is done to be certain none of the SWIFT transfers goes to the wrong country, city, or branch of the bank and the recipient fails to locate his/her move in the suggested location.

You may not even notice how often you use the bank routing number while making some trades and using your bank's services. This happens because you may know the bank routing number under its other names, such as the ABA routing number or RTN. The Selfhelp Credit Union has the routing number 253184427, and you can use it for all sorts of transactions. If you need to receive a SWIFT payment from a foreign citizen and would like to get it to your own bank account, find your number that is rather straightforward.

How to Find Routing Number?

Routing Number Bank Name Office Type State City
053010665 Mechanics & Farmers Bank Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
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053112615 Square 1 Bank DIV Pacific Western BK Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
053185503 Latino Community Credit Union Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
053185613 Selfhelp Federal Credit Union Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
071001216 Selfhelp FCU Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
071921707 Selfhelp FCU Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
075017853 Selfhelp FCU Main Office North Carolina DURHAM
253170376 Mechanics & Farmers Bank Main Office North Carolina DURHAM