104905140 Routing Number

Routing Number 104905140
Bank Name Farmers & Merchants Bank
Valid, last updated: Feb 17, 2025
Office Type Main Office
Servicing FRB Number 101000048
Servicing FRB Number Address 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, MO
Address P.O. BOX 7, AXTELL, NE, 68924
Zipcode 68924-0007
Phone (308) 743-2442
State Nebraska
Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)
Change Date 2011-03-08
104905140 routing number on Farmers & Merchants Bank check

An routing number of your lender (or the lender of your receiver to whom you want to transfer money) is similar to a personal ID; it's the individual identifier of the lender's location. There are no two bank routing numbers on earth since members of the SWIFT community are assigned a number for disambiguation. If your lender is Farmers & Merchants Bank, your lender is 104905140. This is done in order to be certain none of those SWIFT transfers goes into the state, town, or division of the lender and the receiver fails to come across his/her transport in the location.

You may not even notice how frequently you utilize the bank routing number whilst creating some trades and together with your bank's solutions. That happens since you will know the bank routing number like the ABA routing number or RTN. The Farmers & Merchants Bank gets the number 104905140, also it can be used by you. Should you have to get a SWIFT payment and desire to receive it to your own bank accounts, locate your number that straightforward.

The bank routing number could be seen in the bottom of your check; it comprises nine digits that indicate the place where you opened the accounts. Or you could use our depository of all US bank routing numbers and locate yours fast and with no trouble. For queries not requiring your presence, please call the lender at (308) 743-2442.

How to Find Routing Number?