064108993 Routing Number

Routing Number 064108993
Bank Name Southern Community Bank
Valid, last updated: Mar 24, 2025
Office Type Main Office
Servicing FRB Number 061000146
Servicing FRB Number Address 1000 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA
Address 1400 N. JACKSON STREET, TULLAHOMA, TN, 37388
Zipcode 37388-0000
Phone (931) 393-2265
State Tennessee
Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)
Change Date 2011-09-06
064108993 routing number on Southern Community Bank check

Aside from the SWIFT code which each bank is delegated for transfers that are global, you should indicate that your bank routing number. This info is your bank's identifier; you're using in your city, by signaling the bank routing number, you streamline the transfer of capital. The number of Southern Community Bank is 064108993; it can be used by you also. It is essential to indicate the bank.

So, where to search to your bank? Remember it's a number included in the base of of your checks. It's the figure position on the side, followed with your account number that is personal. Do not be afraid to mix up things; the bank will be exactly the exact same on of your checks and stay unchanged. You might take some of these to find out that information and offer banking info that is readily identifiable to your payee. Because they believe it, not all people today use checks. If you run the majority of your operations on the internet and are one of people, then this information can be found by you in the bank that is internet. Examine fiscal requisites part and all information you may need will be found by you.

You are able to get simply by arriving to 1400 N. JACKSON STREET, TULLAHOMA, TN, 37388 or call its hotline in the event of any query in (931) 393-2265.

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