041284539 Routing Number

Routing Number 041284539
Bank Name Park View Federal Savings Bank
Valid, last updated: Mar 24, 2025
Office Type Main Office
Servicing FRB Number 041000014
Servicing FRB Number Address 1455 East Sixth Street, Cleveland, OH
Address 4140 EAST STATE ST, HERMITAGE, PA, 16148
Zipcode 16148-0000
Phone (724) 981-6000
State Pennsylvania
Record Type Code 1 (Send items to customer routing number)
Change Date 2014-03-14
041284539 routing number on Park View Federal Savings Bank check

Besides the unique SWIFT code that every bank is assigned for international transfers, you should also indicate your bank routing number for receiving funds via a bank transfer. This information is the individual identifier of your bank; by indicating the bank routing number, you streamline the transfer of funds to your specific branch of the bank you are using in your specific city. The routing number of Park View Federal Savings Bank is 041284539; you can use it for your transfers. Thus, it is very important to indicate the correct bank routing number not to look for your funds elsewhere.

So, where to look for your individual bank routing number? Keep in mind that it is a nine-digit number contained at the bottom of all your checks. It is the figure standing on the left-hand bottom side, followed by your individual account number. Don’t be afraid to mix things up – the bank routing number and account number remain unchanged and are the same on all your checks. If you are still unsure, call (724) 981-6000, which is the hotline of Park View Federal Savings Bank at 4140 EAST STATE ST, HERMITAGE, PA, 16148. Thus, you may take any of them to find out that information and provide your payee with correct, easily identifiable banking information.

However, not all people use physical checks, since they consider it quite old-fashioned. If you are one of such people and conduct most of your financial operations online, then you can find this data in the online bank. Check the section of financial requisites and you will find all data you might need.

Some occasions on which another person may ask you for your bank routing number include:

  1. Making a direct deposit payment
  2. Producing numerous financial transactions
  3. Paying a bill online (sometimes)
  4. Making a wire transfer.

041284539 belongs to the Park View Federal Savings Bank upon the decision of the American Bankers Association (ABA). You can get to its main office by coming to 4140 EAST STATE ST, HERMITAGE, PA, 16148 or call its hotline in case of any minor question at (724) 981-6000.

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